Saturday, March 24, 2007

the scoop

Ok so like I said, my nerves get totally shot before these things. During these things I'm totally fine. Well - sometimes I have difficulty forming complete sentences and feel like I sound like an idiot. Other than that the actual feeling of anxiety is gone.

So I went out with ecology guy tonight. He's actually pretty nice. I'm not totally sold, but I'd definitely go out with him again to see. He pretty much looks how he did in his pictures. I guess what pictures don't translate are mannerisms etc. I'll have to see in future encounters how I feel. Personality wise from what I can tell he's nice, he has cool interests (photography, his work, football), wants to explore more of the area (he's new to it) - so could be a good hiking or dining partner. So yeah - overall it went well I think. I think he's up for going out again and so am I so we'll see how it goes.

I still think however that I should keep my options open and talk to other people until I/we have made a decision either way. I'll keep emailing the other guy and maybe try to meet up with him and see what sort of vibe I get.

Funny story. After dinner I went home - was bored so IMd my cousin. We went to Shakespeares knowing that a group of friends would meet up with us about an hour later. When the friends show up they were sort of surprised to see me with my cousin knowing that I had been on a date earlier that evening. UNCOMFORTABLE!!! We eventually convinced them that I was no longer on my date and just having a drink with my cousin. I think he was a little disturbed ;)

1 comment:

Corine said...

Sounds like a good date. Hiking and dining is right up your alley, definitely a good way to show him around San Diego. I have 2 free passes to Quail Botanical Gardens if you want.

Yea, keep talking to the other guy(s) in the meantime while you're waiting for ecology guy to come back from his trip.