Thursday, August 16, 2007

The latest and greatest.

I think I have a boyfriend! Things with ecology guy have been going really well. I'm really stoked on him and on us. Curious to see where it goes! I just sent him off for another month long trip to Asia. Bummer! (for me anyway, I'm sure it'll be great for him). In some ways for me it's a good transition from single-dom to couple-dom. When he's gone I take advantage of that time to spend lots of time with friends and catch up on other stuff. So I have a positive outlook on it, but with each trip it's getting harder to see him go...

On another note my November trip to Prague is looking to be crazy! So far 15-17 people are confirmed going! Unbelievable. I figure we'll be splitting off into groups. It's hard to get that many people to agree on everything for a week! Not to mention - what restaurant would be able to accommodate us all! I know it'll be a fun time :)