Monday, May 12, 2008

It's been a long time

A few brief updates:

I have now earned the right to have the 3 letters, Ph.D. after my name.

The guy I started blogging about at the inception of this blog is still my boyfriend. We're serious, and it's awesome. The downside is that he's in India right now with his 1st love - turtles. We'll be moving in together in August :) By the way - if you get Zoo News - he has a story there!

I've started a new job as a contracts and business development analyst. It's my foot in the door to the non-academic world. So far I'm a fan. It's liberating not being a student anymore.

I'm excited to become an adult. At 31 I'm ready for it! Over the past couple years I've been settling down in my actions (I don't go out as much, I am not as boy crazy - just for the one! etc.) but I didn't have the life style to go with it. Now, that's starting to come together. The bf and I will move in together in a nice 'adult' apartment. We'll buy nice furniture. We'll discuss our future. I'll invest money in a retirement fund. I can't wait! Until then, I'm updating my wardrobe, throwing away tee-shirts that had holes in them. This weekend I gave away THIRTEEN bags of clothes and shoes to GoodWill! I have so much crap and it needs to GO!

Aside from what's going on in my life, the things most on my mind are - Lebanon and Burma.
The same old sh*t is going down in Lebanon. I hope that one day that place will see extended peace.

Burma is just f'd up. There was a cyclone killing thousands, and for nearly a week the Burmese government/junta refused aid from anyone! The UN delivered aid, and they just left it sitting there on the tarmac. They're starting to come around I think, it's hard to say. But sadly, one boat (I think UN) sank on the way to giving aid. Such a frustrating and sad situation.

Ok, with all that out of the way, maybe future posts can be about more interesting things. Maybe I'll even be emotional enough to rant about something!!

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