Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sequoia National Park

Here are a few pics from the recent Sequoia trip. Note - I did not take these pics, they are a mixture of pics from Jen, Mahru, Ravi, Adam, and Katie.

The first day we went to Crystal Cave. There were some cool formations there.

Later that night, Jen provided us all with glow sticks and the creative juices started to flow...

The second day we hiked a 11 mile round trip hike along the Lake Trail. This near the end - Heather Lake. It was incredible.

Group shot at the Watchtower - part of the Lake Trail.

Here we are hiking back from the Lake Trail. Look how high up we are.

Hiking back along the Lake Trail. Notice how we're going downhill. That means the whole way there we were going UPhill!

Along the trail we came across a Yellow Bellied Marmot! He was cool :)

Sunset at the campground the second night. It really looked that red!

Last, but not least we took a group shot by General Sherman Tree. The largest living thing on earth by volume!

All in all it was a fantastic trip!

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